Wasn't Expecting That

Created by Mark and Sam 7 years ago
You'll see I've added the Jamie Lawson song 'Wasn't Expecting That' to the music section of our page. The song is very popular, and the lyrics are heartfelt and I know an awful lot of people who enjoy the song and even find it beautiful.

Unfortunately for me it has very sad connotations. On the weekend that Uncle John fell ill, it was a time of uncertainty and sadness for everyone in the family. It wasn't until the Monday morning that I heard the sad news that he had in fact passed away overnight. I was in my car, driving to work, when I got the call from my Dad.

It is awfully strange how you remember certain details at important moments in your life. When the call had ended, the only sound I could hear other than my engine was the radio. And it was Jamie Lawson playing.

The sudden nature in which John's condition had come about over the space of a weekend, after having a number of strokes, meant that it really was unexpected. For someone to be such a familiar presence in your life one moment, and then to have the realisation that you won't see them again the next - it is hard to sum up that feeling. But this song encapsulated that exact moment in eerie fashion.

It is a shame that I don't like hearing such a nice song, but I can't hold back a tear building up in my eye whenever I hear it come on as it evokes these memories. It is a popular song, so I've had to learn to try and have a better reaction. I try to remember my favourite memories of John, rather than remember that moment of shock and loss. It usually only takes a second for me to hear his famous laugh in my mind and that puts a smile back on my face right away.

Please feel free to add your memories of John on this section of the site - no doubt there are so many times where he made people smile.

Mark X

